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Incorporating meditation into your daily life.

Writer's picture: Soul Driven Soul Driven

Updated: Feb 20, 2021

Is your meditation practice like a really special occasion? happening sporadically or semi-regular at best? When we bring meditation into our every day, we reap the benefits!

When I first started to meditate I signed up to a weekly class and e practiced together for a whole fifteen minutes! Actually we built up to that fifteen minutes over a few weeks and I remember what a challenge it was to achieve. Now I can easily sit and expand into bliss for well over an hour with very little effort at all and I wonder sometimes, how I would live without my regular daily practice.

We would never expect ourselves to be able to run a marathon easily with no training or practice at all. Why then do we expect to be able to attain mental mastery so quickly, without sustained effort and training?

Meditation is about focusing the mind and also allowing parts of us to remain still for periods of time. This can be quite a challenge for those among us who are used to a busy life with a million distractions (quite literally these days!). We need to practice in order to grow in confidence and competence and there is no exception to this when it comes to meditation. I have found that daily practice of shorter duration meditation has greater benefit than putting weeks or even days between sessions. The best analogy I have heard relates to cooking. Have you ever tasted a delicious dish that has marinated in juices and spices over time? The longer the marinade has to settle, the better the taste! If you merely dip the dish in the taste wont be the same.

So why not marinate your spirit in meditation for a few days and see what happens?

Here's a little guide to get you started.

- Pick a specific amount of time that is reasonable and achievable. Lets say 7 days. Make is simple for yourself, pick a normal routine week with no major events happening and no travel etc.

- Pick a time, I would suggest in to morning immediately after a shower if that's what you do, before breakfast and decide on a time frame. If you're starting out make it five minutes.

- Sit comfortably in a place that is clean and quiet. Light candle and listen to some uplifting or relaxing instrumental or sacred music. Breath deeply and slowly and notice every breath as in enters and leaves the body.

- Once five minutes is completed think of three things you are grateful for and offer appreciation for these things. Close your period of meditation with an intention for the day. Something simple and positive. Extinguish the candle and enter your day with that light within you.

You'll be amazed at what happens after one week of doing this!

It may be simple but I assure you it may not be easy.

Many people I have worked with over the years have reported great resistance to the simplest tasks such as this. Do not let your resistance put you off. Just notice it, and be willing to move on-wards giving it your best effort. It does not have to be done perfectly, just attempt it and see what happens. Once you have managed a week, then attempt 30 days. They say it takes 90 days to create a new habit so that's what we are aiming for. And always remember that meditation is often easier in a group, you get to ride the group energy! We offer weekly meditation classes here and also individual sessions. These sessions are designed to support you on your journey toward greater success so don't hesitate to back yourself here!

Would love to hear how you go, feel free to email me and share. Enjoy!

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